MURHOPYE ROTARY AUTOCLAVE is a cylindrical, horizontal, rotating sterilizer arranged for direct stem injection. This is recommended for sterilizing powdery/ flaky/ granular material with fine particle size and low thermal conductivity materials like wheat, bran, rice starch, rice flour etc. These materials being poor conductors of heat will take a long time if not agitated. The tumbling action and the baffles which agitate the material achieve uniform heating. Direct addition of steam is more economical than heating through a jacket.
A pressure-regulating device ensures the correct operating pressure. Piping design ensures dry steam at the inlet. The moisture that is added by direct stem addition is removed by subjecting the autoclave to a vacuum of about 600 mm Hg.
The autoclave is loaded through the manhole in top position and rotated during the steaming and vacuum drying steps. The product, cooled to about 50 deg C inside the autoclave with the aid of water circulation through the jacket, is unloaded using a slide valve.
The Autoclave is made in SS 304 or 316 as per the customer’s requirement.
A water ring vacuum pump is used for generating the vacuum.
An electric mini boiler with all safety features can be provided.