• info@murhopye.com
  • 91-821-2582235

Triple Roll Mills

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TRIPLE ROLL MILLS are used to wet & disperse solids in liquid media which are viscous. These are most suited for superfine grinding and dispersion of paints, printing inks, enamels, chemicals, chocolates, leather, linoleum and pigments.

Essentially, the equipment consists of three rolls which are rotating at different speeds with an arrangement to feed material between the first and second rolls and a discharge arrangement from the third roll. The fineness of grinding is adjusted by adjusting the gap between the rolls.

Construction: Three rolls are made of SS or hollow chilled cast iron with high surface hardness, having a solid shaft at one end and hollow at the other end is fitted with heavy duty double row spherical ball bearings housed in movable bearing blocks. This assembly is mounted on a rigid angle iron frame.

Cooling : The frictional heat generated by milling is removed by circulating cold/chilled water through the rolls.

Drive and power transmission: Induction motor (2 HP to 40 HP) with pulley arrangement and gear train

Attachments: Deflection guards to regulate feed material on to the rolls, spillage collection tray and discharge tray with adjustable scraper blade.

Models : Diameter x length of rolls- 100 x 300, 150 x 450, 200 x 600, 250 x 750, 300 x 800 sizes are offered. (other sizes on request)


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